Baying at the Moon- Red. Black. Green.

Photo by Hilary Halliwell on

i possess, fountain of dislike tuned in the life’s verse

an oblivious mist shrouding them like the blue moon

pangs of tragedy, thriving amongst one of the worst

for them to rest in peace, hymns of peace I croon

plausible views blinded to the blind among tinges

they line up merciless daggers at me sans twinges

an oblivious mist shrouding them like the blue moon

the mist having enveloped the droplets of dislike

raining on a few from skies of their own tune

after seeping from mine with shadows ghostlike

unwantedly, the shadows finding their way over spreading glum

they push away the black whiffs, whipping them

pangs of tragedy, thriving amongst one of the worst

unbeknownst, fallen with teardrops of death

the vultures hovering with a core of thirst

spear heading towards me without catching a breath

demise of the chirping birds, swaying leaves, of forms known

for someone; ensheathed emotions, suppressed groans

for them to rest in peace, hymns of peace i croon

heard of, unheard of, the words lulling in the air

the bereft arrows of sorrows in blood curdling tune, impugn

for unleashing shadows, the beaks hovering on me to tear

their dislike, dipped in ill-wish, embalmed by hatred

sans it, dislike as it was, i croon prayers not less than sacred

plausible views, blinded to the blind among tinges

overlooking the same, subtle behaviors in their nook and corners

sucking out the commonness out of common to infringe

their embellished, polished mirrors turn mourners

for dislike cannot entail a lingering warmth after

for it cannot sleep amidst the cracks thereafter

the lined up merciless daggers at me sans twinge

each breath akin to these daggers carrying whiffs

screeching, pushing towards a box to constringe

of pungent blood, of lost phrases in deadly riffs

the choked words and a stifling mask

an utter chaos lurks over the murderous perspectives at task

Photo by fotografierende on


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